As you might have noticed in the Post Money prizes for the official WFCC competitions, special prizes were allocated for the “New members: participants from countries that never took part in the WFCC World solving or composing tourneys.”
The WCCC 2022 hosts didn’t allocate these prizes for the UAE participants only, but to all bet newcomers from many other countries who will try themselves in the WCCC competitions for the first time.
The selection was reduced to participants whose countries haven’t been represented in the most important WFCC competitions: WCSC and WCCT. In essence, these are the countries without a more organized activities in chess composition during the last several decades.
Concretely, these prizes are for the registered participants from the following 17 countries:
Algeria, Armenia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.